Get a load of this little girl and her bedhead. If there is any indication I am a mom of {mostly} boys, it is the state of Cam’s hair any given day. I try. I really do. I even have used many of your suggestions. But alas, I have a hard time committing to a bow-in-the-hair-every-day, so she usually channels her inner Mercer Mayer critter look alike and we roll with it.
I came downstairs after the above bedhead incident and saw her all prettied up with a real, live clip in her hair (and a new t-shirt thanks to a cracker mishap). I nearly fainted. The culprit? Her very nice daddy who has probably put more bows in her hair than I have over the course of the last 11.75 months. We make a good team, he and I. Guess I know who’ll be french braiding Cam’s hair in about 10 years (wait, is the french braid, like, so last summer? you probably ought to let me know that asap).
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